Employment Services
ACS is committed to helping employers and employees improve job success and productivity by offering pre-employment screenings and onsite educational programming. Our goal is to provide low profile, high impact employment services and consultation to local businesses.
Pre-Employment Screenings
ACS provides a comfortable and private setting for potential employees to complete their pre-employment screening. Screenings include personality assessment, a clinical interview with a mental health professional, and a confidential report outlining a potential employee's strengths, weaknesses, and a set of pre-determined clinical characteristics indicative of employment success.
On-Site Workshops and Educational Programming
On-site programming is available on topics tailored to meet specific company needs for employers who are interested in developing their employees. Statistics show that employees benefit from educational programming and skill development aimed at equipping them to better manage their personal lives and work performance. Environmental stress, personal stress, inter-personal conflict, and substance abuse issues dramatically affect employee productivity and the overall workplace environment. Our training can greatly improve employee morale and company profitability.